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essay question#1

I'm going to be taking about andrew jackson and if he should be celebrated as a american hero or if he shouldn't because of the things he has done. For those that don't know Andrew Jackson was the sevenths president of the united states of america in 1829 to 1837 he was also at the age of thirteen fought in the american revolution war .

Andrew Jackson was a vary brave man he was born in 1767 waxhaws he was part of the democratic party . Some of the things that andrew did when he was growing up he served in he american revolution at the age of 13 he also go he education at north carolina and got schooled in law for 2 years . Before he became president of the united states he had two jobs he was a lawer at first then he moved on to being a judge after being a judge for a little bit the wanted to run for president of the united states of america in 1828 .

Somes of the good things that andrew jackson did good on when he was in office he seen the national bank was not being far and so he went against may powerful people that thougtht the bank was a good idea but he stayed with what he believed was right and that was that everything had to be equal. So he used all his power to get it taken away and he used all his power to pull out the federal funds . Andrew also he took in two indian children when they needed it and he raised them like they were his own on last thing that andrew jackson did thats was good was that he was the one that made the rotation of office and the rotation is still going on today and if you don't know what that is that is if the president was to be killed his vice president was to become president .

Bad things that andrew jackson did when he was in office he completely ignored was the power of the judical branch for example the "Indian Removal Act" challenging in court the Georgia laws that restricted their freedoms on tribal lands. In its 1831 ruling on "Cherokee Nation v. the State of Georgia," the Supreme Court addressed the question of whether native tribes could be treated as "foreign nations." It decided that they should be counted as wards of the federal government; BUT the following year, ruled that they were indeed sovereign and immune from Georgia laws. Nevertheless, President Jackson refused to heed the Court's decision. Andrew jackson also made the spoils system. The spoils system created a precedent to hire only those in a President's own party to work for the administration. This policy spurred political divisiveness along party lines that continues to mar our political system. Hiring friends may be expedient, but it does nothing to help this nation. Any President who hires unqualified cronies deserves condemnation by the people he is serving. He also made all the cherokee indians leave there home and move because he wanted to expanded the land and that was how the trail of tears was created .

To me i think that Andrew Jackson should not he celebrated as a america hero because of all the bad things he has done like he has done a few more good then bad but when he did thinks that where bad the just were really bad and i couldn't celebrate anyone that can do that cold hearted like he did .

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