Essay Question #3
I am going to tell you what the Abolitionist Movement is and why it was important. I am also going to tell you about some of the main abolitionists and how it was connected with the underground railroad. I am also going to tell how it was successful.
First I am going to tell you what the abolitionist movement was. The Abolitionist Movement In the United States of America was an effort to end slavery in a nation that valued personal freedom and believed “all men are created equal”. Over time, abolitionists grew more harsh in their demands, and slave owners refused to change in response, fueling regional disagreement that ultimately led to the American Civil War. So basically the Abolitionist movement was a movement by the north to end slavery in the 1830s.
The Abolitionist movement was very important in my opinion. There are many things about the abolitionist movement that make it important. The first thing is that is led to the Civil War which led to the freedom of slaves. Another thing is that it gave slaves a hope for freedom.

The Abolitionist Movement is great but it wouldn’t have happened if there were no abolitionists to start it. There are many great abolitionists that helped with this movement but I am only going to talk about three. The first per
son i will be talking about is Frederick Douglass. He was a former slave that had escaped two times and on the second time he had escaped permanently. He eventually went on to become a famous anti-slavery lecturer. The second person I will be talking about is Susan B. Anthony. Susan B. Anthony attended anti-slavery conventions and became an agent for the American Anti Slavery Society. The last person I will be talking about is Sojourner Truth. Sojourner Truth Was born into slavery in 1797 and escaped with her young daughter in 1826. Her famous speech “ Ain’t I a woman?”was delivered in 1851 at the Ohio Woman’s Rights Convention.
Now I’m going to talk about how the Abolitionist Movement was connected to the Underground Railroad and how it was successful. The Abolitionist Movement and the Underground Railroad both worked at stopping slavery. The Underground Railroad helped slaves escape slavery. The Abolitionist Movement tried to end slavery. They were successful because they led to the American Civil War which led to the end of slavery.
In conclusion the Abolitionist Movement was successful in ending slavery. The abolitionists were also very important, including people like Susan B. Anthony and Frederick Douglass. And it also worked together with the Underground Railroad to stop Slavery.