essay question #3
Today i will be talking about the abolitionist movement and some of the key people who helped out with the underground railroad. Also some of the success in the great history of this movement .
First i will be telling you what the abolitionist movement was .The abolitionist movement was the effort to end slavery in america by the north in the 1830s .In a nation like america they believe that everyone was free but in the south all the slave owners are saying that there not giving up there slaves because they know with out the slaves they would be losing workers witch means the owners would be losing money . Since the south didn't want the give up the slaves they started running away to the north and this made the south vary mad and this movement led the south to war and that war would be the civil war . This war would end slavery and then make the united states of america a none slave state .
In my opinion i think that the abolitionist movement was vary important. without the abolitionist movement i believe that there would still be slaves today . If the movement didn't happen there would've been any hope for the slaves and there freedom and if this didn't happen the civil war would've never happened .But it did and they fought the war and the north won and the united states where reunited with the south territory and the slaves where free .

The abolitionist movement was in my opinion was a great movement but it would've never happened if there wasn't anyone to help the slaves . I will be picking two abolitionist and there names are William Lloyd born in 1803 and Fredrick Douglass born
in 1818 and also a escaped slave .The reason i chose these two is because the played a big part in this movement . These two men got together during the movement and wrote a book about slavery and Fredrick Douglass wrote about what they where doing to the blacks in the Souths and how they had to live and how they where treated compared to others . After writing this book they started to pass the books out to everyone in the north and it really opened the Norths eyes to what they where doing to them and this made more people want to join the movement.
The abolitionist movement was related to the underground railroad in many was the biggest way was when the slaves where running away from there masters the abolitionist would take them in and hide them for awhile . Most of them would house them and feed them in till the next day .
The abolitionist movement was a great success they freed all the slaves and they united the north and the south states and made the united states a slave free state .